Saturday, May 24, 2008

Implementing Voice over IP

Implementing Voice over IP
By Bhumip Khasnabish

ISBN: 978-0-471-21666-7
224 pages

Format: Pdf
Size: 8.1 MB

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dictionary of Engineering

Dictionary of Engineering
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition (1 Mar 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0071410502

Book Description
Derived from the content of the respected McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition, each title provides thousands of definitions of words and phrases encountered in a specific discipline. All include:

* Pronunciation guide for every term
* Acronyms, cross-references, and abbreviations
* Appendices with conversion tables; listings of scientific, technical, and mathematical notation; tables of relevant data; and more
* A convenient, quick-find format

SIZE: 5.9 MB

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiMax

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiMax
by H. Labiod , H. Afifi , C. De Santis

Product Description

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and WiMax will provide a complete and detailed description of the recent wireless technologies including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and WiMAX. These technologies are considered to be important topics in the telecommunication industry in the next decade. Some critical subjects will be particularly developed such as security, quality of service, roaming and power conservation. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and WiMaxwill also include some chapters on practicals aspects.

Format: PDF

Size: 18 MB

Mail and Internet Surveys

Mail and Internet Surveys: The Tailored Design Method 2007 Update with New Internet, Visual, and Mixed-Mode Guide
by Don A. Dillman

Product Description
A crucial resource for increasing response rates and obtaining high-quality feedback from mail, electronic, and other surveys

Don Dillman's Mail and Internet Surveys, Second Edition has been the definitive guide for creating and conducting successful surveys using both traditional and new media channels. Now, this special 2007 Update of the classic text features major additions covering the latest developments in online survey design and administration.

Like its predecessor, this resource lays out a complete, start-to-finish guide for determining the needs of a given survey, designing it, and effectively administering it. Drawing on social science, statistics, and proven best practices, Dillman's text discusses surveys for a variety of purposes, audiences, and situations.

New and updated material covers both the principles behind and directions for how to:

  • Conduct Web surveys
  • Visually design questionnaires
  • Use paper mailed surveys
As insightful and practical as its classic original, Mail and Internet Surveys, Second Edition, 2007 Update is a crucial resource for any researcher seeking to increase response rates and obtain high-quality feedback from mail, electronic, and other self-administered surveys.

Format: PDF
Size : 11 MB

Solaris 10: The Complete Reference

Solaris 10: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
by Paul Watters

Maximize all the capabilities of Sun Microsystems' FREE, innovative, and powerful UNIX-based operating system with help from this authoritative guide. Get full details on installation, process and device management, access control and security, networking, services, directories, and applications. You'll learn to take advantage of the new features available in Solaris 10, including the rewritten TCP/IP stack, the enhanced cryptographic framework, cross-platform optimization, Linux interoperability, and much more. Whether you're new to Solaris or migrating from Linux or Windows, you'll need this comprehensive resource.

  • Install and run Solaris 10 on UltraSPARC or Intel systems
  • Manage files, directories, and processes, and use shell commands
  • Set up user- and role-based access control
  • Use the Solaris Management Console (SMC) to manage users and groups
  • Configure devices and file systems
  • Implement efficient backup and recovery services
  • Enable system logging, monitoring, accounting, and tuning
  • Configure DHCP, firewalls, and remote access
  • Work with DNS, NIS/NIS+, and LDAP
  • Enable shared file systems and printers using Samba and/or NFS
  • Use Sun Java System Application Server and Apache HTTP Server
About the Author
Paul A. Watters, Ph.D., specializes in building e-commerce and Internet information systems based on Java, Solaris, and open standards like CORBA. He is a columnist and author for the trade journal Inside Solaris, and is lead author of Solaris 8: The Complete Reference, and Solaris Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, both published by Osborne.
Product Details
  • Paperback: 738 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (January 19, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • Format: PDF
  • Size: 10 MB

Corrosion Science and Technology

Corrosion Science and Technology by James Talbot
CRC Press
406 halaman

Corrosion Science and Technology clarifies all the important background material and guides readers in its practical application. This text integrates the chemical, electrochemical, and metallurgical aspects of corrosion control for application in typical contemporary technologies with economical use of resources. The structures of water, oxides, and metals are examined and the characteristics of metals and alloys often specified for corrosion-resistant service are described. This book includes explanations of scientific principles and real world applications and case histories. Extensive information on additional corrosion-related literature is provided to guide readers to sources of more specific information.

Compressor Handbook

Compressor Handbook Edited by: Hanlon, Paul C.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 978-0-07-026005-4

The benchmark guide for compressor technology pros. You don't have to scour piles of technical literature for compressor answers any longer. This book packs all the answers on design procedures, practical application, and maintenance of compressors straight from top experts on these widely used machines.
Offers answers to a comprehensive collection of questions on the design procedures, practical application, and maintenance of all types of compressors. Shows how to design or select compressors for any use, with step-by-step procedures for fewer flaws or errors.

Format: PDF

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ayat-ayat Fitna

Ayat-ayat Fitna by Quraish Shihab

Quraish Shihab Bagikan Gratis 40 Ribu Buku Ayat Ayat Fitna
Rafiqa Qurrata A - detikcom

Masih ingat film Fitna yang menggegerkan itu? Minggu (4/5/2008)ini, ada sebuah buku berjudul "Ayat-Ayat Fitna, Sekelumit Keadaban Islam di Tengah Purbasangka" diluncurkan. Buku itu karya Quraish Shihab dan tentu saja isinya tidak mendeskreditkan Islam. Sebanyak 40 ribu buku tersebut dibagikan secara gratis.

Quraish Shihab menjelaskan, Ayat Ayat Fitna berusaha meluruskan kesalahpahaman dari ayat-ayat yang dipakai dalil untuk teror yang menggambarkan umat islam itu kejam seperti yang dipakai oleh film Fitna.

"Jadi ada ayat Alquran yang digunakan untuk mendeskreditkan Islam. Padahal isinya sangat bertolak belakang. Justru ajaran Islam ini sangat-sangat damai dan mengajak umatnya untuk memiliki hubungan harmonis dengan pemeluk agama apapun," kata Direktur Pusat Studi Al Quran itu.

Kenapa judulnya kok ayat-ayat fitna? "Ya karena ini berbicara tentang ayat-ayat Alquran yang dijadikan bahan fitnah," jelas Quraish saat jumpa pers di masjid Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta.

Buku setebal 98 halaman tersebut disebarkan serempak di enam lokasi di. Jika anda ingin mendapatkannya, datang saja ke Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa, Masjid Agung Al Azhar, Masjid Raya Pondok Indah, Masjid At Tin, Masjid dan Pesantren At Taqwa, Masjid Imam Bonjol, Dewwan Dakwah Indonesia dan Jakarta Islamic Center. Buku ini juga bisa didapatkan dalam versi e-book dengan diunduh dari

Quraish Shihab mempersilakan pihak manapun untuk menggandakan bukunya. Namun ia mengingatkan agar buku tersebut tidak dijualbelikan. "Untuk apa diperjualbelikan? Kalau diberikan gratis untungnya lebih banyak daripada diperjualbelikan. Memang tertunda keuntungan itu tapi akan berlipat ganda di hari kemudian," kata Quraish.

Size: 452 KB
Format : pdf file